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Virtual Walkers

It's easy to be a Virtual Walker!

  1. Register. Start a team, join a team, or fly solo. 

  2. Set up your personal fundraising pageOnce you register, you will be able to create and customize your own personal fundraising page. You can add photos, share your story, email family and friends.

  3. Start fundraisingAs a Virtual Walker, you can make a real difference in the lives our patients and families. Use your personal fundraising page to raise awareness of your virtual walk and ask friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to support you!

  4. Join us on social media. Follow us and tag us @CincyChildrensGivingon Facebook, @GiveCincyChildrens on Instagram and use #cincywalks. 

Please note: T-shirts will be mailed to Virtual Walkers after the event.
