Gideon's Story

Gideon has a great game face. He knows all the basketball rules. He’s not afraid to tell you when he disagrees with your strategy. He’s got the mind of a coach and the heart of a competitor.

Gideon is working hard to get on the court, and he has Cincinnati Children’s to help him get there.

“Gideon has arthrogryposis multiplex congenita,” says his mom, Jackie. “It affects his joints and muscles. There are many different types and causes, his type is amyioplasia, which means lack of muscle development.” That leaves Gideon’s joints stiff, some even frozen in place.

For now, he uses a wheelchair, but is working with experts in our Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy and Orthopaedics departments to help him reach his goal.

“Gideon is determined to walk,” Jackie says. “And I believe he’s going to do it. He loves sports of any kind. It’s his dream to play sports, beyond the baseball, soccer and kick ball we play in the yard.”

Even though Gideon goes through painful therapies and surgeries, he still has a great sense of humor and enjoys spending quality time with his family and friends. He’s a sweet boy who is grateful for everyone and every advantage his family and Cincinnati Children’s have given him.

“He must tell me ‘Thank you!’ 100 times a day,” Jackie says. “He really appreciates everything we do. Even after a particularly painful procedure, he’ll still be smiling and joking. He doesn’t ever get down because he can’t do certain things.”

Cincinnati Children’s is proud to care for Champions like Gideon. And because of the support of our community, we are able to help more kids. You can help Gideon reach his goals when you join us at Cincinnati Walks for Kids.

Meet Gideon

You can help kids like Gideon get the therapies they need.

Join us at Cincinnati Walks for Kids.